Sparc64 doesn't care about you, and you shouldn't care about Sparc64

Michelle Sullivan michelle at
Tue Nov 10 22:27:40 UTC 2015

Anna Wilcox wrote:
> Unfortunately, truth be told, I gave up after the Freenode IRC channel
> gave me a whole heap of abuse and name-calling for trying to ask for any
> support with the sparc64 port.  I couldn't find the documentation I
Odd, I didn't see that (I'm there most of the time) but yeah they can be
a harsh crowd.. I also asked about sparc there didn't get anywhere so
dropped it ( I have a U60 (Sol10), a E450(Sol8), 2xE3500's(Sol10),
2xE3000's (decommissioned) and 2 Netra T1's (running FBSD9.2 currently)
- and was looking to changing them all to FreeBSD - but then I realized
there was little chance of patches so gave up... until this thread. )

Michelle Sullivan

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