Fwd: COMPILER_TYPE and installworld

Adrian Chadd adrian at freebsd.org
Thu Nov 5 06:01:30 UTC 2015


I started digging into why "make installworld" doesn't work when using
the external toolchain support using CROSS_TOOLCHAIN= support. This is
one of the big hurdles to just using 100% external toolchain using
bapt's CROSS_TOOLCHAIN support.

The TL;DR seems to be:

* buildworld/buildkernel: CC gets set right; PATH doesn't include
* installkernel: MACHINE is set, CC is not set (so it's 'cc') and PATH
includes /usr/bin:/usr/sbin
* installworld: MACHINE is set, CC is not set, PATH doesn't include

The result is that during installkernel it finds 'cc' in /usr/bin and
detects it as clang, even though I'm doing a mips-gcc build. During
installworld it fails because it can't find 'cc'.

So! In the short term, is there any way that during
installworld/installkernel we can also set CC, etc appropriately?
Otherwise we're either using the wrong compiler logic/version
(installkernel) or we're just plain not going to work (installworld.)

Also - why is PATH including /usr/bin:/usr/sbin when doing
installkernel, but not installworld?

To reproduce:

* pkg install mips-gcc mips-xtoolchain-gcc mips-binutils
* env MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/tmp/mips-obj make CROSS_TOOLCHAIN=mips-gcc
DESTDIR=/tmp/mips-root -j 4 buildworld buildkernel installworld
installkernel KERNCONF=MALTA


make[4]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 50: warning: "machine: mips, X_COMPILER_TYPE: , CC: cc"
make[4]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 96: warning: "Finished; COMPILER_TYPE=clang,

.. so in the installkernel setup, the PATH includes /usr/bin which
means 'cc' works, and thus it's detecting the compiler as clang even
though we're supposed to be using mips-gcc.

in the installworld setup, there's no /usr/bin in PATH, so it can't find cc.

buildworld is ok:

make[6]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 50: warning: "machine: amd64, X_COMPILER_TYPE: , CC: cc"
make[6]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 96: warning: "Finished; COMPILER_TYPE=clang,
===> gnu/usr.bin/groff/src/devices/grops (obj)

.. for the local stuff, and:

make[5]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 50: warning: "machine: mips, X_COMPILER_TYPE: , CC:
/usr/local/bin/mips-portbld-freebsd11.0-gcc -isystem
make[5]: "/usr/home/adrian/work/freebsd/head-embedded-gcc5/src/share/mk/bsd.compiler.mk"
line 96: warning: "Finished; COMPILER_TYPE=gcc,

.. for the building mips stuff.

So installkernel works only "by magic" because of PATH, and CC is just
not being set right for installkernel/installworld.

ok, so what now? :)


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