XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at juniper.net
Tue Jul 29 23:04:02 UTC 2014

On Mon, 28 Jul 2014 21:49:08 -0700, Jordan Hubbard writes:
>I=92m a huge fan of unified data formats; Apple picked XML and the plist DT=

We did too, and it has indeed been useful.
Being able to render rich html has also proven very cool given the
improvment in browsers in the last several years.

The point I was making earlier (perhaps not very well) was that the api
Phil has proposed provides enough clue to allow outputting plain text as
well as that rich html.  IIRC the main wrinkle json imposes is a need for
extra structure calls - due to the way lists (I think) are handled,
anyway if the api can handle json and html it should be possible to add
rendering for others should that prove necessary one day - hopefully
without having to revisit any of the apps.

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