[RFC] ASLR Whitepaper and Candidate Final Patch

Pedro Giffuni pfg at freebsd.org
Wed Jul 23 23:38:05 UTC 2014


Il giorno 22/lug/2014, alle ore 19:45, Shawn Webb <lattera at gmail.com> ha scritto:

>>> ...
>> Hi Shawn:
>> Great news that this work is coming to fruition -- ASLR is long overdue.
>> Are you having any luck with performance measurements?  Unixbench seems like a 
>> good starting point, but I wonder if it would be useful to look, in 
>> particular, at memory-mapping intensive workloads that might be affected as a 
>> result of changes in kernel VM data-structure use, or greater fragmentation of 
>> the address space.  I'm not sure I have a specific application here in mind -- 
>> in the past I might have pointed out tools such as ElectricFence that tend to 
>> increase fragmentation themselves.
> The unixbench tests on that laptop have finished. However, I've been
> fighting a pesky migraine these last couple days, so I haven't had the
> opportunity to aggregate the results into a nice little spreadsheet. I'm
> hoping to finish it up by the end of the week.
> I'll take a look at ElectricFence this weekend. Additionally, I have a
> netbook somewhere. Once I find it and its power cord, I'll install
> FreeBSD/x86 and re-run the same tests on that.

Somewhat related to ElectricFence… will ASLR have an adverse effect on debuggers?

I googled around and got to this:


So I guess we may have to patch gdb (and lldb)?


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