XML Output: libxo - provide single API to output TXT, XML, JSON and HTML

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Mon Aug 18 17:36:51 UTC 2014

On Mon, 18 Aug 2014, Stefan Esser wrote:

> Methods discussed so far are e.g.:
> - add long option as ARGV[1] (e.g. "--libxo-is-supported")
> - use command name prefix ("xo-$CMD" linked to the actual $CMD)
> - test for and use different standard file descriptors (XO_STDIN,
>   XO_STDOUT, and XO_STDERR) if supported by the command
> (I have probably forgotten a few ...)

It seems prudent to consider how well such mechanisms would play with
other libraries attempting to perform similar tricks with regard to
detecting functionality.  E.g., the "xo-" prefix can really only be used
by one library at a time.


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