jail configuration

Hiroki Sato hrs at FreeBSD.org
Sun Oct 6 01:24:03 UTC 2013

Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at des.no> wrote
  in <86d2o8k6zf.fsf at nine.des.no>:

de> "Teske, Devin" <Devin.Teske at fisglobal.com> writes:
de> > I've been thinking about maybe writing a tool (or 2). Options on the table:
de> >
de> > 1. Tool like sysrc that allows you to modify/maintain jail.conf from CLI?
de> > 2. Tool to migrate from rc.conf to jail.conf?
de> > 3. Both?
de> A shell script that does 2. should be sufficient, IMHO.

 I tried to rewrite a rc.d/jail with backward compatibility.  It still
 looks complex but LOC falls into one-half.  I think we can remove the
 compat part later before 11.0.  After the removal, this will be much
 similar to your patch.  A patch for jail(8) is a small bug fix.

 a) config file support

  jail_conf="/etc/jail.conf"	# /etc/jail.conf if not specified.
  jail_list="hosta hostb"	# all of instances if not specified.

 b) old rc.conf variables support (will be removed eventually)

  jail_list="hosta hostb"

  These configuration variables will be converted into
  /var/run/jail_{name}.conf.  While this is basically backward
  compatible, procfs_enable and fdescfs_enable are not supported.

 c) mixed environment

  Even if /etc/jail.conf exists, rc.d/jail attempts to create and use
  /var/run/jail_{name}.conf when both jail_{name}_hostname and
  jail_{name}_rootdir are defined.  If not defined, it attempts to use
  /etc/jail.conf (or $jail_conf).  This decision is made in a per-jail

 d) conversion from rc.conf variables to config file

  # /etc/rc.d/jail config <name in jail_list>

  /var/run/jail_{name}.conf is created.

 I think this do not break the existing configurations (more testing
 needed, of course) and one can convert by "rc.d/jail convert" and
 copy-n-paste the results to /etc/jail.conf.  If one uses
 /etc/jail.conf, just $jail_enable variable will do the trick.

 What do you think about this?

-- Hiroki
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