Kernelspace C11 atomics for MIPS

Ed Schouten ed at
Mon Jun 3 14:04:24 UTC 2013


As of r251230, it should be possible to use C11 atomics in
kernelspace, by including <sys/stdatomic.h>! Even when not using Clang
(but GCC 4.2), it is possible to use quite a large portion of the API.
A couple of limitations:

- The memory order argument is simply ignored, making all the calls do
a full memory barrier.
- At least Clang allows you to do arithmetic on C11 atomics directly
(e.g. "a += 5" == "atomic_fetch_add(&a, 5)"), which is of course not
possible to mimick.
- The atomic functions only work on 1,2,4,8-byte types, which is
probably a good thing.

Amazingly, it turns out that it most of the architectures, with the
exception of ARM and MIPS. To make MIPS work, we need to implement
some of the __sync_* functions that are described here:

Some time ago I already added some of these functions to our
libcompiler-rt in userspace, to make atomics work there.
Unfortunately, these functions were quite horribly implemented, as I
tried to build them on top of <machine/atomic.h>, which is far from
trivial/efficient. It is also restricted to 4 and 8-byte types. That's
why I thought: why not spend some time learning MIPS assembly and
write some decent implementations for these functions?

The result:

For now, please focus on sys/mips/mips/stdatomic.c. It implements all
the __sync_* functions called by <stdatomic.h> for 1, 2, 4 and 8 byte
types. There is some testing code in there as well, which can be
ignored. This code disassembles to the following:

As I don't own a MIPS system myself, I was thinking about tinkering a
bit with qemu to see whether these functions work properly. My
questions are:

- Does anyone have any comments on the C code and/or the machine code
generated? Are there some nifty tricks I can apply to make the machine
code more efficient that I am unaware o?
- Is there anyone interested in testing this code a bit more
thoroughly on physical hardware?
- Would anyone mind if I committed this to HEAD?

Ed Schouten <ed at>

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