Proposal: Unify printing the function name in panic messages()

Kirk McKusick mckusick at
Tue Feb 12 06:15:55 UTC 2013

> To: Kirk McKusick <mckusick at>
> cc: John Baldwin <jhb at>, Adrian Chadd <adrian at>,
>         Christoph Mallon <christoph.mallon at>,
>         Andriy Gapon <avg at>, freebsd-arch at
> From: Mike Karels <mike at>
> Subject: Re: Proposal: Unify printing the function name in panic messages() 
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 00:01:07 -0600
> I'm not arguing against consistency, nor even agaist the proposal itself
> (as modified for a lower-case panic macro).  However,  I don't think the
> lack of consistency is the real problem.  "panic: watchdog timeout" tells
> me what I need to know, whether or not it includes "watchdog_fire" or the
> line number.  The only problem that has been pointed out is lack of
> uniqueness.  That is a simpler problem to handle, and isn't handled by
> the current proposal as I understand it.
> 		Mike

Though the default for the current proposal gives just the function name,
in its verbose mode it give file, function, and line number. And in its
lean and mean mode, just the error string. This replacing the hodge-podge
that we have now. My main point is that it is a significant improvement
over what we have now.


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