random(4) plugin infrastructure for mulitple RNG in a modular fashion

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at juniper.net
Fri Aug 9 06:41:23 UTC 2013

On Thu, 8 Aug 2013 18:33:46 -0700, "David O'Brien" writes:
>I may have misunderstood what you're saying.  But if not, you're
>not allowing for one using .ko's to have this functionality.

I'm simply saying that if you can arrange for a build failure instead
of producing a toxic system, it becomes much simpler to assure folk
that you cannot do them harm with these changes.

If you can't then it might be wise to leave a default like yarrow in
place, that can be used as a fallback if no (or until) suitable .ko's
are loaded?

>'sysctl kern.random.adaptors' showing an empty list does provide
>a bread crumb.  /etc/rc.d/initrandom could certainly check this
>value and complain loudly.

That's probably a bit too late though isn't it.

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