Reliable process tracking

Don Lewis truckman at
Fri Aug 9 03:01:46 UTC 2013

On  9 Aug, Julian Elischer wrote:

> I've been pondering the possibility of appending a universe (jail) 
> number to the
> UIDS, PIDS and various other things. (classes maybe?).
> It wouldn't have to be everywhere, but ther eare a number of places 
> where comparisons would
> DTRT if they were comparing "my_jail+my_uid" with "his_jail+his_uid", 
> instead of just the UIDs.
> It would also help with the "multiple roots" problem, and might 
> simplify some of the current code.

If that's all you want, then why not just compare
	proc1->p_fd->fd_jdir to proc2->p_fd->fd_jdir
for the jail check?

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