- just let WITHOUT_* take precedence

Simon J. Gerraty sjg at
Wed Oct 24 17:31:27 UTC 2012

>NO_* is on its way out, so we should likely just fail for the NO_ =
>options...  In FreeBSD 6.x they were deprecated, so it isn't like there =
>hasn't been warning.

That's what I thought.

>All of the WITH_FOO and WITHOUT_FOO ultimately make it to MK_FOO.  =
>Anything that's still using NO_FOO should be hastened out of the tree =

The issue is that buildworld uses -DNO_CTF etc (-DWITHOUT_CTF wouldn't
make any difference btw) which causes WITHOUT_CTF to be set, which then
causes an error if WITH_CTF is set in the environment.

My original proposal was to deal with this by simply letting WITHOUT_*
take precedence over WITH_*.
The counter proposal was to instead leverage NO_*.

>> Would that be a step forwards or backwards?
>I think it would be a step forwards.

The question was about undeprecating NO_*, based on your other comments,
I guess you mean backwards?

Mind you, it can make sense for WITH_, WITHOUT_ and NO_ to coexist.
WITH* represent user preferences, whereas NO_* represents inability to
support something.


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