using SSE2 in kernel C code (improving AES-NI module)

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Oct 23 14:18:50 UTC 2012

On Tuesday, October 23, 2012 3:04:17 am John-Mark Gurney wrote:
> Konstantin Belousov wrote this message on Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 09:10 +0300:
> > Most likely, you can put the ${CFLAGS} on the command line, followed
> > by -msse -msse2.
> I can't use CFLAGS because it removes access to the xmmintrin.h header
> file...  It looks like an option is to use:
> -fpic ${OPTFLAGS:C/^-O2$/-O3/} ${DEBUG}

Err, shouldn't later options override new ones?  If you have
"${CFLAGS} -msse -msse2 -maes" does that not work?  

John Baldwin

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