removing support for ICC??

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Wed Nov 7 21:17:44 UTC 2012

On Tue, 6 Nov 2012 15:58:45 -0500 Eitan Adler <lists at>

> Is there any reason to continue to keep the legacy __INTEL_COMPILER
> conditional includes around?

Is there a reason to remove them from cdefs.h? There aren't a lot of
them, they don't obfuscate things, they are not in the way of improving
things, they don't make the existing stuff harder to read.

> Anyone have any objection against?

The last time this came up I was OK to remove them from everywhere
except for cdefs.h. If you want to remove them, please provide good
reasons why to remove them (see also below).

> I tested this and I found that only the following differed:
> -MD5 (/usr/obj/home/eitan/patchen/freebsd-head/sys/GENERIC/vers.o) =
> fb34ba12ae401a00dcdccf3614b6e1a5
> +MD5 (/usr/obj/home/eitan/patchen/freebsd-head/sys/GENERIC/vers.o) =
> 4cead614a48701968fcc0e1e00b1538c
> -MD5
> (/usr/obj/home/eitan/patchen/freebsd-head/sys/GENERIC/hpt27xx_config.o)
> = 3fc71ae3e198661796846eb68c3ef1b0 +MD5
> (/usr/obj/home/eitan/patchen/freebsd-head/sys/GENERIC/hpt27xx_config.o)
> = e3b9f53df5c6d14e4be03ff750638bc5

cdefs.h is not only used in the kernel, but also in the userland.
Anything from userland which includes cdefs.h and may also compile on
other operating systems benefits from keeping this support in cdefs.h.

> diff --git a/sys/sys/cdefs.h b/sys/sys/cdefs.h
> index ad6aefc..a19cd46 100644
> --- a/sys/sys/cdefs.h
> +++ b/sys/sys/cdefs.h

> @@ -312,12 +295,12 @@
>  #define	__returns_twice
>  #endif
> -/* XXX: should use `#if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901'. */
> +/* XXX: should use if __STDC_VERSION__ < 199901'. */
>  #if !__GNUC_PREREQ__(2, 7) && !defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
>  #define	__func__	NULL
>  #endif

This is an unrelated change.


--    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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