API explosion (Re: [RFC/RFT] calloutng)

Luigi Rizzo rizzo at iet.unipi.it
Wed Dec 19 16:18:44 UTC 2012

On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 7:37 AM, Poul-Henning Kamp <phk at phk.freebsd.dk>wrote:

> --------
> In message <20121219150809.GA98673 at onelab2.iet.unipi.it>, Luigi Rizzo
> writes:
> >>         typedef dur_t   int64_t;        /* signed for bug catching */
> >>         #define DURSEC  ((dur_t)1 << 32)
> >>         #define DURMIN  (DURSEC * 60)
> >>         #define DURMSEC (DURSEC / 1000)
> >>         #define DURUSEC (DURSEC / 10000000)
> >>         #define DURNSEC (DURSEC / 10000000000)
> >only thing, we must be careful with the parentheses
> Actually, it's more impportant to be careful with zeros, if you
> adjust the above to the correct number of zeros, DURNSEC is 4,
> which is within seven percent of the correct value.

counting digits is impossible for people over 45.
But i have a solution for that

#define DURNSEC (DURSEC / 1003006009)

which is within 0.5% of the desired value.

(and of course (1000*1000*1000) might do the job too)


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