PR conf/121064 -- [patch] sys/boot/forth -- Use ASCII characters for box/line characters in frames.4th

Devin Teske devin.teske at
Sun Dec 9 15:13:04 UTC 2012

Appears to be no objections.

As I move forward with reviewed/tested commit, would like to document what I tested (for posterity):

1. boot_serial=" "
2. boot_serial="abc"
3. boot_serial="YES"

All produce the new serial-compatible frames.

4. console="comconsole"
5. console="vidconsole comconsole"
6. console="   vidconsole   comconsole2   comconsole   "

Also produce the new serial-compatible frames.

7. console="vidconsole comconsole2"
8. console="spinconsole"
9. console="vidconsole"
10. boot_serial=""
11. boot_multicons=""

Produce the old serial UN-friendly frames (as expected)

12. boot_multicons="1"
13. boot_multicons="YES"

Both of which produce serial friendly frames.

In-addition, I also unit-tested the "contains?" function for several hours, making sure it works as-expected.

On Dec 7, 2012, at 4:43 PM, Devin Teske wrote:

> Hi -arch,
> Eitan brought PR conf/121064 to my attention.
> This particular PR appears to be ~5 years old and addresses an ~10 year old issue introduced by SVN r115410
> Below is the commit message and patch that I'm proposing to commit for this PR (also, I amended said patch to the PR audit trail; see conf/121064).
> I asked gcooper to review the working/tested patch.
> Here's a before/after shot (courtesy of jh) -- against 9.0-R:
> Please let me know if you have any objections, feature-requests, nagging feelings, etc.
> -- 
> Cheers,
> Devin
> ===
> Use ASCII characters for box/line characters in frames.4th
> Committed with changes to support the following from loader.conf(5):
> + console="vidconsole comconsole" (not just console="comconsole")
> + boot_serial="anything" (not just boot_serial="YES")
> + boot_multicons="anything" (unsupported in originally-submitted patch)
> PR:             conf/121064
> Submitted by:   koitsu
> Reviewed by:    gcooper, adrian (co-mentor) [pending your review]
> Approved by:    adrian (co-mentor) [pending your approval]
> Obtained from:
> MFC after:
> Security:
> --This line, and those below, will be ignored--
>> Description of fields to fill in above:                     76 columns --|
>> PR:            If a GNATS PR is affected by the change.
>> Submitted by:  If someone else sent in the change.
>> Reviewed by:   If someone else reviewed your modification.
>> Approved by:   If you needed approval for this commit.
>> Obtained from: If the change is from a third party.
>> MFC after:     N [day[s]|week[s]|month[s]].  Request a reminder email.
>> Security:      Vulnerability reference (one per line) or description.
>> Empty fields above will be automatically removed.
> M    forth/support.4th
> M    forth/frames.4th
> _____________
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> <patch.txt>

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