Change to config(8) for OFED

Jeff Roberson jroberson at
Sun Jun 13 09:34:37 UTC 2010

On Sun, 13 Jun 2010, M. Warner Losh wrote:

> In message: <86zkz05bra.fsf at>
>            Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav <des at> writes:
> : "M. Warner Losh" <imp at> writes:
> : > but NORMAL_C is
> : >
> : > NORMAL_C= ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} ${WERROR} ${PROF} ${.IMPSRC}
> : >
> : > and .IMPSRC is null.  That seems like a bug to me, but I'm not sure if
> : > the bug is that .IMPSRC is computed wrong, or if it really should be
> : > ${.ALLSRC}
> :
> : .IMPSRC is the *implicit* source and is only valid in *implicit* rules.
> : Consider the following:
> :
> : .SUFFIXES: .foo .bar
> :
> :         /bin/sh ${.IMPSRC} ${.TARGET}
> :
> : When building from, .IMPSRC is "" but .ALLSRC
> : is "".
> Yes, it appears to be set only when the target matches the object, so
> the .c.o rule matches, even if the more specific one is used (where
> there is not a match).
> : GNU make has a way of defining more complex implicit rules (pattern
> : rules).  If we had something similar, we could do:
> :
> : foo_%.o: %.c
> :         ${NORMAL_C}
> Yes.  I'm starting to think that this would be necessary to implement
> this properly.  Or, as Jeff suggested, have config generate a complete
> compile line with -o foo_bar.o -c bar.c in the line...

Here's what I ended up with:


+OFED_C=                ${OFED_C_NOIMP} ${.IMPSRC}

I don't use NORMAL_C as linux doesn't use some warnings that we specify 
and I need to modify the include path to search the linux wrapper paths 

in files:
+ofed/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx4/ah.c           optional mlx4           \
+       no-depend obj-prefix "mlx4_"                                    \
+       compile-with "${OFED_C_NOIMP} -I$S/ofed/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx4/"

Generated Makefile:
mlx4_ah.o: $S/ofed/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx4/ah.c
         ${OFED_C_NOIMP} -I$S/ofed/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx4/ $S/ofed/drivers/infiniband/hw/mlx4/ah.c

And the patch to config:

The full source path is only emitted when an object prefix is set.  If you 
don't like this diff please speak now before I commit.  It will go to my 
private branch for ofed first but I'm sure I'll forget about it before I 

I still need to change config so it will do proper depends for files which 
require extra includes.  Before then I just specify no-depend for ib.

Is it possible to set make variables within targets?  I can export shell 
variables since that's an executable command.  I could then refer to the 
shell variables in the scripts but that seems really gross.


> Warner

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