
Julian Elischer julian at
Mon Nov 30 00:05:59 UTC 2009

Scott Long wrote:

> I think this is fundamentally wrong.  You're proposing exchanging a 
> cheap operation of splitting VA's with an expensive operation of 
> allocating, splitting, copying, and refcounting sglists.  Splitting is 
> an excessively common operation, and your proposal will impact 
> performance as storage becomes exponentially faster.

 From the perspective of a flashdrive driver the more
efficient the better. The current generation of devices are
doing 800MB/sec (6.4Gb/sec) of scattter-gather random IO
and really that will only go up. We are doing over 130,000 independent
transactions per second and we can put multiple drives in a single

These numbers will only increase with future developments.

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