WIP: ATA to CAM integration

Scott Long scottl at samsco.org
Fri Jun 5 19:27:19 UTC 2009

Julian Elischer wrote:
> Scott Long wrote:
>> So, before you continue to cast ignorant doubts on our approach and hawk
>> your incomplete wares, please at least look at what is being done on our
>> end, and make an attempt to ask some reasonable questions.
> I think that was a little of an over-reaction, and uncalled for..
> Matt's tone was very friendly.

Every one of Matt's emails follow this formula:

1. I don't know how FOO works, but how you're doing it is wrong
2. Here's how I think FOO should work
3. I'm going to work on FOO in DragonFlyBSD and have it done in a week.

1 and 2 are ignorant and worthless in a technical conversation, and 3 is 
off topic for FreeBSD mailing lists.  So yes, I'm calling him out.


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