Dynamic pcpu, arm, mips, powerpc, sun, etc. help needed

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Thu Jun 4 09:46:43 UTC 2009

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Jeff Roberson wrote:

> I have not tested anything other than amd64.  If you have a !amd64 
> architecture, in particular any of the embedded architectures, I would 
> really appreciate it.  Some of the arm boards postincrement the end address 
> to allocate early memory and some pre-decriment.  Hopefully I got it right.

I appear to get an instant reboot early during the kernel startup on i386 with 
this patch applied:

OK lsmod
  0x400000: /boot/kernel/kernel (elf kernel, 0xcd8920)
   modules: elink.1 io.1 hptrr.1 ufs.1 kernel_mac_support.4 krpc.1 nfslockd.1 
nfssvc.1 nfsserver.1 nfslock.1 nfs.1 wlan_sta.1 wlan.1 wlan_wep.1 wlan_tkip.1 
wlan_ccmp.1 wlan_amrr.1 if_gif.1 if_firewire.1 if_faith.1 ether.1 sysvshm.1 
sysvsem.1 sysvmsg.1 firmware.1 kernel.800096 cd9660.1 isa.1 pseudofs.1 
procfs.1 msdosfs.1 usb_quirk.1 ucom.1 uvscom.1 uslcom.1 uplcom.1 uether.1 
cdce.1 usb.1 random.1 ppbus.1 pci.1 pccard.1 null.1 mpt_user.1 mpt_raid.1 
mpt.1 mpt_cam.1 mpt_core.1 miibus.1 mem.1 isp.1 sbp.1 fwip.1 fwe.1 firewire.1 
splash.1 exca.1 dcons.2 dcons_crom.1 cardbus.1 bt.1 ath.1 ast.1 afd.1 acd.1 
ataraid.1 ad.1 ata_via.1 ata_sis.1 ata_sii.1 ata_serverworks.1 ata_promise.1 
ata_nvidia.1 ata_netcell.1 ata_national.1 ata_micron.1 ata_marvell.1 
ata_jmicron.1 ata_ite.1 ata_intel.1 ata_highpoint.1 ata_cyrix.1 ata_cypress.1 
ata_cenatek.1 ata_ati.1 ata_amd.1 ata_adaptec.1 ata_ali.1 ata_acard.1 
ata_ahci.1 atapci.1 ata.1 ahc.1 ahd.1 ahd_pci.1 ahc_pci.1 ahc_isa.1 ahc_eisa.1 
agp.1 acpi_pci.1 acpi.1 scsi_low.1 cam.1
OK boot -s

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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