[PATCH] type issue in kern_event.c

Ed Schouten ed at 80386.nl
Fri Jul 31 22:17:20 UTC 2009

Hi Dag-Erling,

* Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at des.no> wrote:
> Xin LI <delphij at delphij.net> writes:
> > I think these should be fixed, and here is my proposed patch.
> 404 Patch Not Found

Xin Li sent it to me, but I think he has forgotten to add the lists back
to Cc again. Here's the patch he sent to me earlier today.

Index: kern_event.c
--- kern_event.c	(revision 195945)
+++ kern_event.c	(working copy)
@@ -1106,7 +1106,7 @@ kqueue_expand(struct kqueue *kq, struct filterops
 			size = kq->kq_knlistsize;
 			while (size <= fd)
 				size += KQEXTENT;
-			list = malloc(size * sizeof list, M_KQUEUE, mflag);
+			list = malloc(size * sizeof *list, M_KQUEUE, mflag);
 			if (list == NULL)
 				return ENOMEM;
@@ -1116,13 +1116,13 @@ kqueue_expand(struct kqueue *kq, struct filterops
 			} else {
 				if (kq->kq_knlist != NULL) {
 					bcopy(kq->kq_knlist, list,
-					    kq->kq_knlistsize * sizeof list);
+					    kq->kq_knlistsize * sizeof *list);
 					free(kq->kq_knlist, M_KQUEUE);
 					kq->kq_knlist = NULL;
 				bzero((caddr_t)list +
 				    kq->kq_knlistsize * sizeof list,
-				    (size - kq->kq_knlistsize) * sizeof list);
+				    (size - kq->kq_knlistsize) * sizeof *list);
 				kq->kq_knlistsize = size;
 				kq->kq_knlist = list;

 Ed Schouten <ed at 80386.nl>
 WWW: http://80386.nl/
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