GSoC 2009 Project proposal Review

Sujit K M kmsujit at
Sun Apr 5 04:24:39 PDT 2009

> May 23-June 6:     Write FreeBSD driver skeleton for GEOM driver.
Could you  clarify why this is on the GEOM Driver. Why Not be dependent
on the technology like USB/FireWire/Hot Plug. Can this be achieved by using
GEOM Drivers /dev interface.

> June 14-June 20:  Implement ECC routines
ECC? Why Develop ECC routines. Are you specifically develop drivers
that are chipset dependent.

> July 26-Aug 15:   Get ufs working on the flash device, tune performance.
Why UFS? What Performance? Are you going to have Application Interface
for executable.

Could you specify which institution or company you are representing.

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