Feature requests for open-source graphics (OT)

Gary Jennejohn gary.jennejohn at freenet.de
Fri May 16 15:00:05 UTC 2008

On Fri, 16 May 2008 10:03:25 -0400
Coleman Kane <cokane at FreeBSD.org> wrote:

[snip most of rant]
> One of the nice perks of DSL regulation is that the line controllers
> don't have a monopoly on the lines themselves, which are required to be
> open to other ISPs who are willing to invest in the DSL system. So I
> actually have a choice of about 10 companies that I can have DSL from.
> Almost all of my alternatives seem to provide a line that endorses
> running a server on it. So I chose dslextreme.com, which seems like a
> pretty decent vendor, and provides a line that can be served from.

Even more OT.

Sounds like the good ol' US of A is totally fubar in this regard.  Here
in Germany every fly-by-night DSL provider offers a domain name and home
page hosting because _everybody else_ does too!  It's hard to come by a
static IP though.

Gary Jennejohn

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