MPSAFE TTY schedule

Ed Schouten ed at
Sun Jul 20 12:34:57 UTC 2008

Hello everyone,

Today is July 20, which means I'm supposed to send you a message:

* Ed Schouten <ed at> wrote:
> July 20 2008:
> 	Send another heads-up to the lists about the new TTY layer.
> 	Kindly ask people to test the patchset, port more drivers, etc.

As usual, the latest mpsafetty patchset can be found here. I would
really appreciate it if I could get more reviews on the code. Thanks!

The following drivers have not been ported to the new TTY layer yet:

	cy(4), digi(4), ng_h4(4), ng_tty(4), nmdm(4),
	rc(4), rp(4), si(4), sio(4), snp(4), ubser(4).

I've been working on nmdm(4). I'll probably get it working in time. If
not it will be fixed not long after the integration next month. The line
disciplines like snp(4), ng_tty(4) and ng_h4(4) can only be fixed after
the import, because the hooks layer will be written after the import.

In the other news: kris@ reported a possible performance regression to
me. He discovered `make -C /usr/ports index' consumed more system time
on his hardware when the mpsafetty patches were applied. For some
reason, I'm not capable of reproducing them. I even experience a
performance gain when running mpsafetty, which is quite plausible,
because I've also made some small improvements to `struct session'
locking, but we also don't pick up Giant in kern_proc.c anymore.

Because kris@ committed a patch to improve `make index' performance
yesterday, I re-ran my tests today, showing the performance difference
is now nihil. Here are the raw numbers:

Maybe someone is interested in performing more thorough benchmarks?

 Ed Schouten <ed at>
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