cdcontrol purpose

Alfred Perlstein alfred at
Mon Jan 14 08:09:30 PST 2008

* gnn at <gnn at> [080114 07:11] wrote:
> At Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:52:16 +0200,
> Andriy Gapon wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > The following question may seem to be offtopic for this list, but I
> > think that it's not because it is related not only to cdcontrol utility
> > itself but also to the CD-ROM drivers.
> > 
> > The question: should cdcontrol utility be able to eject a mounted disk
> > (i.e. a filesystem on the disk is mounted) ?
> > 
> I come down on the side of "separation of concerns" and think that
> mount should deal with filesystems and that cdcontrol should not.

I agree.  

I can't tell if Andriy is suggesting that cdcontrol unmount the filesystem
forcefully or at least attempt to unmount it.

I would say that it might make sense for cdcontrol to grow a flag
to "unmount non-forcefully if mounted", but certainly not to
unmount by default.

- Alfred Perlstein

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