sensors fun..

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Fri Oct 19 02:36:04 PDT 2007

Quoting John Baldwin <jhb at> (from Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:50:37 -0400):

> On Thursday 18 October 2007 07:39:49 am Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>> To me it looks like your proposal spans more than one of the above
>> described layers in one package. It seems you describe what I call
>> single-system sensors framework above. It looks like you want to have
>> this with parts of it in the kernel. I don't think this is a good idea
>> as I don't think userland data should be feed into the kernel. Could
>> you please describe where you see benefits of your architecture
>> compared to the description I provided above?
> Nowhere do I suggest to feed userland data into the kernel just so it can be
> reexported to userland.  Instead, I think the "public" interface that systat,
> monitoring daemons, SNMP, etc. should be a userland interface that can have
> multiple backends.  It can pull data from a sensor implemented in userland or
> a sensor implemented in the kernel.

I was thinking you talk about the interface between the kernel and the  
userland. Now I think that you talk more or less about something which  
could be implemented e.g., as an userland library which not only polls  
the kernel sensors framework, but provides the single-system sensor  
data (and could be a base of a singe-system sensor daemon which feeds  
its data to a group-level sensors framework). Does this sound like  
what you have in mind?


Practical politics consists in ignoring facts.
		-- Henry Adams    Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7       netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137

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