Removal of /etc/skel, your opinions please

Remko Lodder remko at
Thu Nov 29 23:25:31 PST 2007

On Thu, November 29, 2007 10:47 am, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> Quoting Remko Lodder <remko at> (from Wed, 28 Nov 2007
> 22:21:06 +0100):
>> Dear arch@ members,
>> I would like to remove /etc/skel from the BSD.root.dist mtree file
>> since it is no longer being used and I would like to remove unused
>> items.
>> I understood from a PR  (46062) that there are no references to this
>> directory any longer. There is a proposal to symlink this; but I dont
>> want to keep this alive at all where possible..
>> Does anyone have objections to this change? If so, please let me know
>> why you have these objections so that I can take them into account.
> Not an objection, just something to think about: Do we want to
> deprecate the use of "adduser -k /etc/skel"? I know you said you just
> want to remove the directory, and every admin is allowed to create it
> again, but by removing the directory from the mtree file, we give a
> signal into the direction of deprecation.
> Bye,
> Alexander.
> --

Hello Alexander,

You do have a point there actually :-), what we can do in the install
phase (initially "make distribution", later on when the system is already
installed, manage this through "mergemaster") is install all files from
/usr/share/skel to /etc/skel and actually use it.

If we dont want to do that, why should we keep on carrying the directory


/"\   Best regards,                      | remko at
\ /   Remko Lodder                       | remko at EFnet
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