On schedulers

Ivan Voras ivoras at fer.hr
Tue Jul 31 21:08:13 UTC 2007


I've just stumbled on the LKML (via Slashdot) discussion on schedulers,
nicely compiled here: http://kerneltrap.org/node/14023 . I don't think
3D performance is of concern for FreeBSD, but I'm wondering how would
ULE and the latest incarnation of 4BSD fare in that discussion?

Specifically, I'm interested in this result in Linux:

         2.6.22-ck1                         2.6.22-cfs-v19
   ------------------------            ------------------------
   quake + 0 loops | 41 fps            quake + 0 loops | 41 fps
   quake + 1 loop  |  3 fps            quake + 1 loop  | 41 fps
   quake + 2 loops |  2 fps            quake + 2 loops | 32 fps
   quake + 3 loops |  1 fps            quake + 3 loops | 24 fps
   quake + 4 loops |  0 fps            quake + 4 loops | 20 fps
   quake + 5 loops |  0 fps            quake + 5 loops | 16 fps

(for the impatient: the benchmark is of running quake with several "idle
loop" processes, presumably on a single CPU machine. On the left is the
SD (staircase deadline) and on the right is the CF (completely fair)

How would this behave on FreeBSD? Is there a paper on how ULE should
behave / is modeled?

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