cvs commit: src/sys/net if.c if_var.h src/sys/netinet in.c in_var.h

Brian Somers brians at
Thu Jul 12 06:58:29 UTC 2007

On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 19:08:57 -0700 (PDT) mjacob at wrote:
> Cool. Can we put this in regression tests?

To be honest, I've never looked in tools/regression...
until now.  It looks like a bit of a mess.

According to the README (last updated in 2001)
it should be possible to ``prove -r'' everything.
This is far from true, so forgive me for ranting
if I've got the wrong end of the stick.

Here's what I'd expect:

- ``prove -r'' works
- ``make test'' works in a similar way to ``prove -r'',
  sets PATH to /usr/obj/... and fails if tests fail.
- .t files build test programs as required.
- .t files skip() tests (or plan a different number)
  when required resources aren't available.
- comments on ok/not ok lines are mandatory

It would also be nice to bring libtap into the base system.

If there are no objections, I'll look at doing this after
-current un-slushes.  If there are any suggestions about
other improvements, please follow-up to freebsd-arch.

Brian Somers                                       Tel: +1 604 484 6434
                                                   Mob: +1 604 315 1343
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