Porting OpenBSD's sysctl hw.sensors framework to FreeBSD (was: Re: PERFORCE change 123040 for review)

Robert Watson rwatson at FreeBSD.org
Sun Jul 8 12:26:21 UTC 2007

On Sun, 8 Jul 2007, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

> In message <20070708113624.C13758 at fledge.watson.org>, Robert Watson writes:
>> While Andre's proposed goal of eliminating static sysctl nodes for 8.0 is 
>> laudable, a casual glimpse run found 261 references to top-level CTL_ 
>> constants in src outside of the kernel, so there's quite a bit of work to 
>> be done, [...]
> Nothing that couldn't be emulated, either in libraries or a kernel-shim.

Kris and I have been discussing moving to a model in which the compatXx 
distributions move to having custom-built libc/libpthread parts, so that if 
KSE support is removed entirely from the 8.x kernel, it will still be possible 
to run 5.x/6.x binaries, as we'd provide a 5.x/6.x libpthread that was 
actually a 7.x libthr.  Something similar would be required here.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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