doxygen target (was: Re: cvs commit: src Makefile.inc1 src/etc/defaults rc.conf src/etc/mtree BSD.usr.dist src/etc/rc.d Makefile isdnd pcvt syscons src/release/picobsd/build picobsd src/share/man/man4 Makefile atkbd.4 kbdmux.4 pcvt.4 splash.4 vkbd.4 ...)

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Fri May 26 13:55:04 PDT 2006

Quoting "George V. Neville-Neil" <gnn at> (Tue, 23 May 2006 16:30:36 -0700):

> At Tue, 23 May 2006 08:21:15 +0200,
> Alexander Leidinger wrote:
> > I'm not sure the subdirectory builds are that simple to implement in
> > a generic fashion (I have to play around with some ideas here...).
> > Adding a target by hand to each interesting subdirectory is easy.
> OK, so probably only the set you've already done would be first.

I've just committed the framework. Currently it's connected to the
top-level Makefile which generates all HTML docs in OBJDIR. To build
only specific subsystems and/or the PDF docs, you have to go
to /usr/src/sys/doc/subsys and run make (you will see a message with
available targets).

The README tells you which programs you need to have installed and how
to add more subsystems.

I want to revise some defaults (e.g. destination directory, ...), but
as it is now, people can start playing around with it (and it may be
helpful for our SoC students).

Oh, yes, you need a little bit of time or a very fast machine to
generate all docs.

In case someone wants to improve the framework, go ahead. I will not
add further subsystems soon (except someone sends in a config for it)
or change the doxygen configuration. My goals for the near term are to
talk with doc@ how we can get the HTML version online (we're talking
about several hundred MB) and because of this the default destination
directory may change.

An open task is to make "make doc" work in subsystem directories (e.g.
via "cd /usr/src/sys/doc/subsys && ${MAKE} SUBSYS_TARGET
mumble=${.CURDIR}) as requested in this thread, but I don't expect to
work on this in the next days.


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