Patch for adding /media to FreeBSD

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Wed May 10 05:09:09 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-09 at 23:16 -0400, m m wrote:
> On 5/9/06, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> wrote:
>         /mnt is designed to hold one mount point temporarily (e.g. I
>         want to
>         mount an NFS file system to test NFS, or to get at a file
>         quickly).  /media differs in that it is a directory to hold
>         multiple
>         mount points.  Say I insert a CD, floppy, and USB drive.  All
>         would be 
>         mounted under /media in directories
>         like /media/floppy, /media/disk,
>         and /media/VOLUME (where VOLUME is the label on the CD).
> Thanks - that does clear it up, however...   It seems less intrusive
> (/ already has too much in there) and in my opinion better name match
> to use 
> /mnt/temp for "temporary mount" and /mnt/floppy and /mnt/disk
> and /mnt/VOLUME, etc for "other" mount points...  Since you're
> changing things anyway, this seems like a better choice - plus it has
> the benefit of being "backward compatible" without introducing more /
> directories. 

It's not backwards compatible if system administrators are already using
it as a mount point itself.  In that case we're trying to create mount
points within a mounted file system.  Plus, one of the big things
adding /media is will help is HAL support on FreeBSD.  If we picked
another name, this would mean additional FreeBSD-specific hacks on ports
that expect removable media mounts to exist under /media.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
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