[Fwd: Adding hier/mtree support for HAL]

gnn at freebsd.org gnn at freebsd.org
Tue May 9 16:44:07 UTC 2006

At Mon, 08 May 2006 18:32:50 -0600,
Scott Long wrote:
> I personally object to directory names that are longer than 5
> characters and shorter than 10 characters.  I also object to the use
> of vowels, most constanants, and any ascii character value lower
> than 255.  All directories should also default to mode 000 unless
> they are created under another directory, in which case they should
> be 0000.  I'm sure that these are all perfectly reasonable
> objections that we can all agree to.

Er, you left of the smiley face ;-)

Being a MacOS user as well I think /Volumes is fine, but if someone
knows what Linux uses that might be fine as well and I'm also happy
with /media.


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