jail extensions

Brooks Davis brooks at one-eyed-alien.net
Wed Jun 7 18:09:31 UTC 2006

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 08:19:03AM -0400, John Baldwin wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 June 2006 04:59, Robert Watson wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Julian Elischer wrote:
> > 
> > >> I'd like to clarify Alex's point a bit: he wants to know his work is 
> > >> acceptable by the project and could be merged.  It's obvious it's almost 
> > >> impossible to maintain that outside of the tree.
> > >> 
> > > I'd like to see him merge his project with Marco's . If so then I'd be 
> more 
> > > than happy to see this stuff come in once it reaches a certain level of 
> > > maturity.
> > >
> > > Marco and I have been going over some possible macros that could be used 
> to 
> > > help with a lot of this and if the macros were used then some of the 
> changes 
> > > could come in quite early as they would compile out to NOPs for anyone not 
> > > using the changes. ( and provide an easy target for removal if it 
> eventually 
> > > doesn't complete).
> > 
> > FYI, Marko was at the FreeBSD developer summit at BSDCan, and has expressed 
> > the intent of updating his patches to 6.x/HEAD, so I think there's 
> definitely 
> > room for collaboration here.
> What did you think about Alex's idea of a 'prison0' to for all "non-jailed" 
> processes so that lots of things can move into 'struct prison' and not 
> require as much special casing (though then there would be a different set of 
> special cases I guess as prison0 would be the only prison that could create 
> child prisons, etc.?)

It's not clear to me that we want to use the same containers to control
all resouces since you might want a set of jails sharing IPC resources
or being allocated a slice of processor time to divide amongst them
selves if we had a hierarchical scheduler.  That said, using a single
prison structure could do this if we allowed the administrator to
specifiy a hierarchy of prisons and not necessicairly enclose all
resources in all prisons.

-- Brooks

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