Why use `thread' as an argument of Syscalls?

Suleiman Souhlal ssouhlal at FreeBSD.org
Mon Jun 5 08:43:55 PDT 2006

Robert Watson wrote:
> On Mon, 5 Jun 2006, Daniel Eischen wrote:
>>> They are the same questions, I think ;-). Now would you please 
>>> explain "why use `proc' as an argument of Syscalls"  to me :)?  I've 
>>> read some source code of the kernel, but no comments about it found.
>> I don't know.  Convention?  It makes sense to me.
> Certainly consistency.  Most system calls do actually use the argument 
> at some point -- be it to look up a file descriptor, access control, or 
> the like, and the calling context has it for free and in-hand anyway.

But couldn't they just use curthread/curproc?

-- Suleiman

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