Changes in the network interface queueing handoff model

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sun Jul 30 15:25:48 UTC 2006

On Sun, 30 Jul 2006, Max Laier wrote:

>> Conceptual review as well as banchmarking, etc, would be most welcome.
> This begs the question: What about ALTQ?
> If we maintain the fallback mechanism in _handoff, we can just add 
> ALTQ_IS_ENABLED() to the test.  Otherwise every driver's startmbuf function 
> would have to take care of ALTQ itself, which is not preferable.

Maxime just asked me the same question, and I realized that I had, of course, 
forgotten to mention ALTQ.  A few observations/questions:

- An underlying assumption of ALTQ is that queueing occurs in software.  This
   turns out to be decreasingly true with modern network hardware, where the
   queueing occurs in a combination of software and hardware thanks to the
   descriptor ring.  Has anyone compared the effectiveness of ALTQ on gig-e
   systems with the effectiveness on 10/100mbps systems?  I would anticipate
   that it would have an effect on the latter, but little or no effect on the

- ALTQ actually also already does a bit of what I describe --
   IFQ_DRV_DEQUEUE() and friends actually manage two ifnet queues, if_snd (the
   public queue), and if_drv_head, a second queue protected by the device
   driver lock.  Because it bulk dequeues from one queue to the other, it
   already works to amortize if_snd locking, at the cost of maintaining two
   queues and substantially more complicated logic.

- One of the side effects of this change is that it does complicate device
   drivers, especially if they are going to rely on software queueing.  In the
   example changes to if_em in my patch, the start path goes from a simple loop
   around the send queue to considering three cases: needing to queue, handling
   the optimized (empty) queue case, and needing to dequeue.  Quite a bit of
   this logic will be common across device drivers and might be something we
   can abstract out some.  There are two things going on in my proposed change:
   ownership (and hence locking and interface) with a queue moves, and code
   moves.  It could be we could transfer the locking (etc) and move less code.
   Thoughts on this would be welcome.

Notice that in the patch I do leave backwards compatible support for if_start, 
if only because rewriting all network device drivers is error prone and 
arduous.  I assume this will be a temporary condition, but it could be that we 
could leave it as a permanent one to support older devices that won't be 
updated (ISA ethernet cards, etc), where the existing queueing model works 
reasonably well.  In an earlier iteration of this patch, I had em_startmbuf() 
call a utility routine in if.c to handle enqueueing followed by calling 
em_start().  This meant no optimized fast path, but less code change.

> I strongly agree with you comment about how messed up ifq_*/if_* in
> if_var.h are - and I'm afraid that's partly me fault for bringing in ALTQ.

Heh.  I actually meant to remove that comment before posting the patch, so 
it's a bit more blunt than perhaps entirely wise. :-)  A couple of times in 
the past I've attempted to work on a rename to basically swap the two naming 
schemes and clean things up, but usually I've stalled when it occurs to me 
just how big the task is.  At this point, I think the right thing to do is 
make a decision about the semantics of the interface, and then walk the tree 
and clean up after we've simplified things.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge

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