wscons for FreeBSD?

John Hay jhay at
Fri Oct 28 02:53:45 PDT 2005

> : 
> : >A syscons replacement isn't such an enticing deal if it still leaves all 
> : >the 'console' issues.  Changing something for the sake of change 
> : >without fixing the problems just causes transition pain for no benefit.
> : 
> : Agreed.
> Actually, the input multiplexing is what interests me.  The one or
> more keyboards part in my description means one or more at the same
> time...  There are likewise a number of issues relating to usb
> mice/keyboards that are much better in uhid from NetBSD than from
> FreeBSD.

It would also be very nice if you could run multiple instances of it,
so that you could hook multiple screens, keyboards and mice onto a
machine and have more than one person work on it simultaneously. :-)

John Hay -- John.Hay at / jhay at

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