-I${CURDIR}/../../sys in src/*bin/Makefiles

M. Warner Losh imp at bsdimp.com
Fri Mar 25 15:53:25 PST 2005

In message: <20050325223925.GB1944 at odin.ac.hmc.edu>
            Brooks Davis <brooks at one-eyed-alien.net> writes:
: In PR bin/79229 the submitter suggests that we add -I${CURDIR}/../../sys
: to CFLAGS in sbin/ifconfig/Makefile.  I initially responded that we
: don't normally do that because buildworld handles picking up the latest
: headers, but after greping other Makefiles in sbin, I found that we
: do actually do that in a number of cases.  It seems to me that we
: should really make up our mind which one we should do.  I'm somewhat
: disinclined to add -I's to every utility, but that's not a strong
: opinion.  What do others thing?

I'm inclined to remove them, unless they are needed for
bootstrapping...  But I can't think of any reason why using -I..../sys
would be necessary for that.


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