[CFR] reflect resolv.conf update to running application

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Sun Aug 21 10:54:57 GMT 2005

On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 19:27:07 +0900
Hajimu UMEMOTO <ume at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> >>>>> On Sun, 21 Aug 2005 11:54:54 +0200
> >>>>> Alexander Leidinger <Alexander at Leidinger.net> said:
> Alexander> Can kqueue be used instead of polling?
> It may be able to use kqueue.  However, I'm not sure how kevent() is
> cheap than stat().  It requires holding a file descriptor for

From a high level perspective (I don't know the code), kevent() only
has to lookup an event in a queue (if the file hasn't changed, which is
the typical case), while stat() has to go through the VFS subsystem
until it reaches the cache (or the disk).



http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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