/usr/portsnap vs. /var/db/portsnap

Simon L. Nielsen simon at FreeBSD.org
Sat Aug 6 09:22:36 GMT 2005

On 2005.08.06 01:59:57 -0700, Colin Percival wrote:

> Portsnap keeps a compressed snapshot of the ports tree, requiring
> roughly 50MB and 13000 inodes.  The "natural" place for this to go
> would be in /var/db/, but I suspect that this would cause problems
> for many users, particularly when it comes to the number of inodes.
> Is this a reasonable excuse for violating hier(7) and putting the
> compressed snapshot into /usr/portsnap?  For reference, the port keeps
> the snapshot in /usr/local/portsnap.

Wouldn't it make sense to put in on /var, and if people do not have
enough space there, they can just symlink the portsnap directory to a
location that has enough space?

Simon L. Nielsen
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