libpthread version bump

Scott Long scottl at
Fri Apr 22 10:48:51 PDT 2005

Steve Kargl wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 22, 2005 at 10:33:06AM -0700, Doug White wrote:
>>I think we need to bump libpthread's version to allow for compatibility in
>>6. Then we can ship the old libpthread along with the old libc and the
>>Right Thing happens.
> I certainly agree that we should bump the library if needed.

On more thought, I'm not so sure.  The incompatibility arose because
of a change in the kernel ABI with the fs and gs CPU selectors.  Will
just running the old libc and libpthread work with a new kernel that
has this ABI change?  We might need to create a special compat
that understands the new ABI and provides the appropriate functions to
libpthread.  What a mess; Peter's changes to the selectors was the
right thing to do, but now we are left with the hard questions of
compatibility.  Peter?

>>As it is now people have to recompile any libpthread consumer.
> A workaround may be the use of libmap.conf to map
> to

Well, we are talking about formally ensuring that 5.x compatibility
works for 6.0 when it's released.  Telling users to do a hack with
libmap doesn't really match what we need.


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