REVIEW: handling kldload/kldunload of GEOM classes properly.

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Oct 26 09:22:56 PDT 2004

On Friday 22 October 2004 05:42 pm, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
> There are a number of system calls which starts events running in
> GEOM and which for consistency should not return to userland until
> those events have completed and GEOM has settled down.
> The typical example would be a shell-script doing:
> 	kldload md
> 	mdconfig bla bla
> Examples of such syscalls are:
> 	open(2) & close(2): can cause spoils and retastes
> 	mount(2)/umount(2): acts as open/close.
> 	(any other syscall doing a VOP_OPEN/VOP_CLOSE on a diskdevice.)
> 	ioctl(2): directed configuration can do almost anything.
> 	kldload(2)/kldunload(2): can load/unload GEOm classes.
> The last one is the most tricky one:  The crude solution is to always
> wait for geom to settle before returning to userland from kldload(2),
> but there is no point in waiting for GEOM if you loaded a USB
> serial driver and doing so would increase the risk of cascade
> failures.
> A further complication is that we should not wait for geom to settle
> until after we have dropped Giant again because the geom events
> might need to grab giant to do their job.

Just a note on this:  If you sleep in your waiting function (i.e. call 
msleep() or cv_wait()), then Giant will be dropped automatically so that you 
don't need to worry about events needing Giant.


John Baldwin <jhb at>  <><
"Power Users Use the Power to Serve!"  -

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