SCTP in KAME / Re: Removing T/TCP and replacing it withsomething simpler

Peter Lei peter.lei at
Fri Oct 22 17:59:39 PDT 2004

I think this is because any bugs that are found are usually
communicated directly to us.

I think Randy has a better handle on how many people are using
this stack.  I'm quite sure it is stable enough to go in to

While the SCTP API hasn't gone through last call, it's fairly
stable and we have both "converted" many applications from TCP
to SCTP using the sockets API, as well as had portability between
the KAME SCTP stack and the linux stack for some test applications
used at the last interop event (except for the standard sockets
issues that one runs into even for TCP like no sin_length field
in the sockaddr struct).

The same stack has also been ported to Mac OSX as a native kernel
build as well as an loadable/unloadble NKE w/a minor kernel change.

I'm not aware of any KAME SNAP compilation failures w/and w/o SCTP.
The major changes to our SCTP code when it gets committed into KAME
has been that of code format/style.

What is the existing criteria for a measure of "stability"?


SUZUKI Shinsuke wrote:
>>>>>>On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 21:32:48 +0200
>>>>>>molter at Molteni)  said:
>>SCTP in KAME is complete, stable and fully supported.
>>It is mainly developed by the SCTP RFC author, Randall Stewart.
> KAME Project haven't received SCTP-related bug report so much, and I
> think it's due to a lack of testers, SCTP-API standard, and SCTP-ready
> applications.
> #Sometimes KAME SNAP compilation fails in SCTP and non-SCTP
> #application fails in compilation due to a change by SCTP.  So it's
> #difficult to conclude that SCTP is already stable...
> So I'm not still sure if SCTP in KAME is complete and stable enough to
> merge into -current.  (If someone can contribute to this kind of
> evaluation, it's quite appreciated, of course!)
> Thanks,
> ----
> SUZUKI, Shinsuke @ KAME Project
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