Remote stuff in make

Bob Bishop rb at
Tue Nov 2 01:49:12 PST 2004


At 09:23 02/11/2004, Harti Brandt wrote:

>Hi all,
>I want to remove the remote stuff from our make to make maintenance 
>easier. Remote make has been disfunctional from the original import on - 
>the necessary files have never been imported. The base system doesn't use 
>that feature (and has no need to), ports have their own remote built stuff 
>AFIK. If actually someone would need this - there is the pmake port that 
>really contains this stuff.
>If anybody has a good reason why we need to keep this (and the associated 
>patches to make it work + the willingness to support it in the future) - 
>please speak up now.

For my money, kill it and don't think twice. However, there's a lot of 
related nonsense like .NOTPARALLEL and silent manipulation of the -B option 
which ought to be tidied up too.

>Attached is a diff that just removes the #defines and #ifdefs. The MD5 of 
>the produced make is the same as before.
>Index: job.c
>RCS file: /local/cvs/freebsd/src/usr.bin/make/job.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.52
>diff -u -r1.52 job.c
>--- job.c       23 Oct 2004 21:36:55 -0000      1.52
>+++ job.c       2 Nov 2004 09:19:51 -0000
>@@ -123,12 +123,8 @@
>  #include "dir.h"
>  #include "job.h"
>  #include "pathnames.h"
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-#include "rmt.h"
>-# define STATIC
>-# define STATIC static
>+#define STATIC static
>  /*
>   * error handling variables
>@@ -239,14 +235,12 @@
>                                 * running jobs equals the maximum allowed or
>                                 * (2) a job can only be run locally, but
>                                 * nLocal equals maxLocal */
>-#ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>  #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
>  static int     kqfd;           /* File descriptor obtained by kqueue() */
>  #else
>  static fd_set          outputs;        /* Set of descriptors of pipes 
> connected to
>                                 * the output channels of children */
>  #endif
>  STATIC GNode           *lastNode;      /* The node for which output was 
> most recently
>                                 * produced. */
>@@ -254,15 +248,9 @@
>                                 * job when it's not the most-recent job heard
>                                 * from */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-# define TARG_FMT  "--- %s at %s ---\n" /* Default format */
>-# define MESSAGE(fp, gn) \
>-       (void) fprintf(fp, targFmt, gn->name, gn->rem.hname);
>-# define TARG_FMT  "--- %s ---\n" /* Default format */
>-# define MESSAGE(fp, gn) \
>+#define        TARG_FMT  "--- %s ---\n" /* Default format */
>+#define        MESSAGE(fp, gn) \
>         (void) fprintf(fp, targFmt, gn->name);
>  /*
>   * When JobStart attempts to run a job remotely but can't, and isn't allowed
>@@ -311,15 +299,8 @@
>  static int JobPrintCommand(void *, void *);
>  static int JobSaveCommand(void *, void *);
>  static void JobClose(Job *);
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-static int JobCmpRmtID(Job *, int);
>-# ifdef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>-static void JobLocalInput(int, Job *);
>-# endif
>  static void JobFinish(Job *, int *);
>  static void JobExec(Job *, char **);
>  static void JobMakeArgv(Job *, char **);
>  static void JobRestart(Job *);
>  static int JobStart(GNode *, int, Job *);
>@@ -348,20 +329,13 @@
>  {
>      Job        *job = (Job *) jobp;
>      int        signo = *(int *) signop;
>-    if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-       (void) Rmt_Signal(job, signo);
>-    } else {
>-       KILL(job->pid, signo);
>-    }
>      /*
>       * Assume that sending the signal to job->pid will signal any remote
>       * job as well.
>       */
>      DEBUGF(JOB, ("JobCondPassSig passing signal %d to child %d.\n", 
> signo, job->pid));
>      KILL(job->pid, signo);
>      return 0;
>  }
>@@ -454,27 +428,6 @@
>      return *(int *) pid - ((Job *) job)->pid;
>  }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- * JobCmpRmtID  --
>- *     Compare the rmtID of the job with the given rmtID and return 0 if they
>- *     are equal.
>- *
>- * Results:
>- *     0 if the rmtID's match
>- *
>- * Side Effects:
>- *     None.
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- */
>-static int
>-JobCmpRmtID(void *job, void *rmtID)
>-    return(*(int *) rmtID - *(int *) job->rmtID);
>  /*-
>   *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   * JobPrintCommand  --
>@@ -702,9 +655,7 @@
>  JobClose(Job *job)
>  {
>      if (usePipes) {
>-       Rmt_Ignore(job->inPipe);
>-#elif !defined(USE_KQUEUE)
>+#if !defined(USE_KQUEUE)
>         FD_CLR(job->inPipe, &outputs);
>  #endif
>         if (job->outPipe != job->inPipe) {
>@@ -759,18 +710,11 @@
>         * cases, finish out the job's output before printing the exit
>         * status...
>         */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT);
>         JobClose(job);
>         if (job->cmdFILE != NULL && job->cmdFILE != stdout) {
>            (void) fclose(job->cmdFILE);
>         }
>         done = TRUE;
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE)
>-           Rmt_Done(job->rmtID, job->node);
>      } else if (WIFEXITED(*status)) {
>         /*
>         * Deal with ignored errors in -B mode. We need to print a message
>@@ -787,10 +731,6 @@
>         * stuff?
>         */
>         JobClose(job);
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE)
>-           Rmt_Done(job->rmtID, job->node);
>-#endif /* REMOTE */
>      } else {
>         /*
>         * No need to close things down or anything.
>@@ -851,10 +791,6 @@
>             }
>             job->flags |= JOB_RESUME;
>             (void)Lst_AtEnd(stoppedJobs, (void *)job);
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-           if (job->flags & JOB_REMIGRATE)
>-               JobRestart(job);
>             (void) fflush(out);
>             return;
>         } else if (WTERMSIG(*status) == SIGCONT) {
>@@ -1120,27 +1056,6 @@
>      }
>      return TRUE;
>  }
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- * JobLocalInput --
>- *     Handle a pipe becoming readable. Callback function for Rmt_Watch
>- *
>- * Results:
>- *     None
>- *
>- * Side Effects:
>- *     JobDoOutput is called.
>- *
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- */
>-static void
>-JobLocalInput(int stream, Job *job)
>-    JobDoOutput(job, FALSE);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>  /*-
>   *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>@@ -1186,12 +1101,6 @@
>         lastNode = job->node;
>      }
>-#ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
>-    if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-       goto jobExecFinish;
>-    }
>-#endif /* RMT_NO_EXEC */
>      if ((cpid = vfork()) == -1) {
>         Punt("Cannot fork");
>      } else if (cpid == 0) {
>@@ -1245,20 +1154,12 @@
>  # endif
>  #endif /* USE_PGRP */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-           Rmt_Exec(shellPath, argv, FALSE);
>-       } else
>-#endif /* REMOTE */
>-          (void) execv(shellPath, argv);
>+       (void) execv(shellPath, argv);
>         (void) write(STDERR_FILENO, "Could not execute shell\n",
>                      sizeof("Could not execute shell"));
>         _exit(1);
>      } else {
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       long omask = sigblock(sigmask(SIGCHLD));
>         job->pid = cpid;
>         if (usePipes && (job->flags & JOB_FIRST) ) {
>@@ -1272,9 +1173,7 @@
>  #endif
>             job->curPos = 0;
>-           Rmt_Watch(job->inPipe, JobLocalInput, job);
>-#elif defined(USE_KQUEUE)
>+#if defined(USE_KQUEUE)
>             EV_SET(&kev[0], job->inPipe, EVFILT_READ, EV_ADD, 0, 0, job);
>             EV_SET(&kev[1], job->pid, EVFILT_PROC, EV_ADD | EV_ONESHOT,
>                 NOTE_EXIT, 0, NULL);
>@@ -1285,15 +1184,11 @@
>             }
>  #else
>             FD_SET(job->inPipe, &outputs);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>+#endif /* USE_KQUEUE */
>         }
>         if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-#ifndef REMOTE
>             job->rmtID = 0;
>-           job->rmtID = Rmt_LastID(job->pid);
>-#endif /* REMOTE */
>         } else {
>             nLocal += 1;
>             /*
>@@ -1304,14 +1199,8 @@
>                 job->cmdFILE = NULL;
>             }
>         }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       (void) sigsetmask(omask);
>      }
>-#ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
>      /*
>       * Now the job is actually running, add it to the table.
>       */
>@@ -1391,80 +1280,41 @@
>  static void
>  JobRestart(Job *job)
>  {
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-    int host;
>      if (job->flags & JOB_REMIGRATE) {
>-       if (
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-           verboseRemigrates ||
>-           DEBUG(JOB)) {
>+       if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
>            (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** remigrating %x(%s)\n",
>                            job->pid, job->node->name);
>            (void) fflush(stdout);
>         }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       if (!Rmt_ReExport(job->pid, job->node, &host)) {
>-           if (verboseRemigrates || DEBUG(JOB)) {
>-               (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** couldn't migrate...\n");
>+       if (nLocal != maxLocal) {
>+           /*
>+            * Job cannot be remigrated, but there's room on the local
>+            * machine, so resume the job and note that another
>+            * local job has started.
>+            */
>+           if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
>+               (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** resuming on local machine\n");
>                 (void) fflush(stdout);
>             }
>-           if (nLocal != maxLocal) {
>-               /*
>-               * Job cannot be remigrated, but there's room on the local
>-               * machine, so resume the job and note that another
>-               * local job has started.
>-               */
>-               if (
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-                   verboseRemigrates ||
>-                   DEBUG(JOB)) {
>-                   (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** resuming on local machine\n");
>-                   (void) fflush(stdout);
>-               }
>-               KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT);
>-               nLocal +=1;
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-               job->flags &= ~(JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESUME|JOB_REMOTE);
>-               job->flags |= JOB_CONTINUING;
>-               job->flags &= ~(JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESUME);
>-       } else {
>-               /*
>-               * Job cannot be restarted. Mark the table as full and
>-               * place the job back on the list of stopped jobs.
>-               */
>-               if (
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-                   verboseRemigrates ||
>-                   DEBUG(JOB)) {
>-                  (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** holding\n");
>-                  (void) fflush(stdout);
>-               }
>-               (void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (void *)job);
>-               jobFull = TRUE;
>-               DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue is full.\n"));
>-               return;
>-           }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>+           KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT);
>+           nLocal +=1;
>+           job->flags &= ~(JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESUME);
>         } else {
>             /*
>-            * Clear out the remigrate and resume flags. Set the continuing
>-            * flag so we know later on that the process isn't exiting just
>-            * because of a signal.
>+            * Job cannot be restarted. Mark the table as full and
>+            * place the job back on the list of stopped jobs.
>              */
>-           job->flags &= ~(JOB_REMIGRATE|JOB_RESUME);
>-           job->flags |= JOB_CONTINUING;
>-           job->rmtID = host;
>+           if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
>+              (void) fprintf(stdout, "*** holding\n");
>+              (void) fflush(stdout);
>+           }
>+           (void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (void *)job);
>+           jobFull = TRUE;
>+           DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue is full.\n"));
>+           return;
>         }
>         (void)Lst_AtEnd(jobs, (void *)job);
>         nJobs += 1;
>@@ -1486,43 +1336,23 @@
>         JobMakeArgv(job, argv);
>         DEBUGF(JOB, ("Restarting %s...", job->node->name));
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       if ((job->node->type&OP_NOEXPORT) ||
>-           (nLocal < maxLocal && runLocalFirst)
>-# ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
>-           || !Rmt_Export(shellPath, argv, job)
>-# else
>-           || !Rmt_Begin(shellPath, argv, job->node)
>-# endif
>-       {
>-           if (((nLocal >= maxLocal) && !(job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL))) {
>-               /*
>-               * Can't be exported and not allowed to run locally -- put it
>-               * back on the hold queue and mark the table full
>-               */
>-               DEBUGF(JOB, ("holding\n"));
>-               (void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (void *)job);
>-               jobFull = TRUE;
>-               DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue is full.\n"));
>-               return;
>-           } else {
>-               /*
>-               * Job may be run locally.
>-               */
>-               DEBUGF(JOB, ("running locally\n"));
>-               job->flags &= ~JOB_REMOTE;
>-           }
>-       }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       else {
>+       if (((nLocal >= maxLocal) && !(job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL))) {
>+           /*
>+            * Can't be exported and not allowed to run locally -- put it
>+            * back on the hold queue and mark the table full
>+            */
>+           DEBUGF(JOB, ("holding\n"));
>+           (void)Lst_AtFront(stoppedJobs, (void *)job);
>+           jobFull = TRUE;
>+           DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue is full.\n"));
>+           return;
>+       } else {
>             /*
>-            * Can be exported. Hooray!
>+            * Job may be run locally.
>              */
>-           DEBUGF(JOB, ("exporting\n"));
>-           job->flags |= JOB_REMOTE;
>+           DEBUGF(JOB, ("running locally\n"));
>+           job->flags &= ~JOB_REMOTE;
>         }
>         JobExec(job, argv);
>      } else {
>         /*
>@@ -1532,14 +1362,8 @@
>         DEBUGF(JOB, ("Resuming %s...", job->node->name));
>         if (((job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) ||
>             (nLocal < maxLocal) ||
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-           (((job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL) &&
>-             (job->node->type & OP_NOEXPORT)) &&
>-            (maxLocal == 0))) &&
>             ((job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL) &&
>              (maxLocal == 0))) &&
>            (nJobs != maxJobs))
>         {
>             /*
>@@ -1552,12 +1376,7 @@
>             Boolean error;
>             int status;
>-           if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-               error = !Rmt_Signal(job, SIGCONT);
>-           } else
>-#endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
>-               error = (KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT) != 0);
>+           error = (KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT) != 0);
>             if (!error) {
>                 /*
>@@ -1839,27 +1658,11 @@
>         }
>      }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-    if (!(gn->type & OP_NOEXPORT) && !(runLocalFirst && nLocal < maxLocal)) {
>-#ifdef RMT_NO_EXEC
>-       local = !Rmt_Export(shellPath, argv, job);
>-       local = !Rmt_Begin(shellPath, argv, job->node);
>-#endif /* RMT_NO_EXEC */
>-       if (!local) {
>-           job->flags |= JOB_REMOTE;
>-       }
>-    } else
>-       local = TRUE;
>+    local = TRUE;
>      if (local && (((nLocal >= maxLocal) &&
>         !(job->flags & JOB_SPECIAL) &&
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       (!(gn->type & OP_NOEXPORT) || (maxLocal != 0))
>         (maxLocal != 0)
>         )))
>      {
>         /*
>@@ -2192,14 +1995,7 @@
>             nJobs -= 1;
>             DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue is no longer full.\n"));
>             jobFull = FALSE;
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-           if (!(job->flags & JOB_REMOTE)) {
>-               DEBUGF(JOB, ("Job queue has one fewer local process.\n"));
>-               nLocal -= 1;
>-           }
>             nLocal -= 1;
>         }
>         JobFinish(job, &status);
>@@ -2236,34 +2032,9 @@
>      LstNode              ln;
>      Job                          *job;
>  #endif
>-    int                          pnJobs;       /* Previous nJobs */
>      (void) fflush(stdout);
>-    pnJobs = nJobs;
>-    /*
>-     * It is possible for us to be called with nJobs equal to 0. This happens
>-     * if all the jobs finish and a job that is stopped cannot be run
>-     * locally (eg if maxLocal is 0) and cannot be exported. The job will
>-     * be placed back on the stoppedJobs queue, Job_Empty() will return 
>-     * Make_Run will call us again when there's nothing for which to wait.
>-     * nJobs never changes, so we loop forever. Hence the check. It could
>-     * be argued that we should sleep for a bit so as not to swamp the
>-     * exportation system with requests. Perhaps we should.
>-     *
>-     * NOTE: IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF Rmt_Wait TO CALL Job_CatchChildren
>-     * It may use the variable nLocal to determine if it needs to call
>-     * Job_CatchChildren (if nLocal is 0, there's nothing for which to
>-     * wait...)
>-     */
>-    while (nJobs != 0 && pnJobs == nJobs) {
>-       Rmt_Wait();
>-    }
>      if (usePipes) {
>  #ifdef USE_KQUEUE
>         if ((nfds = kevent(kqfd, NULL, 0, kev, KEV_SIZE, NULL)) == -1) {
>@@ -2309,7 +2080,6 @@
>         }
>  #endif /* !USE_KQUEUE */
>      }
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>  }
>  /*-
>@@ -2379,11 +2149,7 @@
>      lastNode =   NULL;
>-    if (maxJobs == 1 || beVerbose == 0
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       || noMessages
>-                    ) {
>+    if (maxJobs == 1 || beVerbose == 0) {
>         /*
>         * If only one job can run at a time, there's no need for a banner,
>         * no is there?
>@@ -2423,7 +2189,7 @@
>       * we're giving each job its own process group (since then it won't get
>       * signals from the terminal driver as we own the terminal)
>       */
>-#if defined(RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS) || defined(USE_PGRP)
>+#if defined(USE_PGRP)
>      if (signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) {
>         (void) signal(SIGTSTP, JobPassSig);
>      }
>@@ -2450,9 +2216,7 @@
>         JobStart(begin, JOB_SPECIAL, (Job *)0);
>         while (nJobs) {
>             Job_CatchOutput();
>-#ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>             Job_CatchChildren(!usePipes);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>         }
>      }
>      postCommands = Targ_FindNode(".END", TARG_CREATE);
>@@ -2757,80 +2521,13 @@
>                 Error("*** %s removed", file);
>             }
>         }
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-           /*
>-            * If job is remote, let the Rmt module do the killing.
>-            */
>-           if (!Rmt_Signal(job, signo)) {
>-               /*
>-               * If couldn't kill the thing, finish it out now with an
>-               * error code, since no exit report will come in likely.
>-               */
>-               int status;
>-               status.w_status = 0;
>-               status.w_retcode = 1;
>-               JobFinish(job, &status);
>-           }
>-       } else if (job->pid) {
>-           KILL(job->pid, signo);
>-       }
>         if (job->pid) {
>             DEBUGF(JOB, ("JobInterrupt passing signal to child %d.\n",
>                    job->pid));
>             KILL(job->pid, signo);
>         }
>-#endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
>      }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-    (void)Lst_Open(stoppedJobs);
>-    while ((ln = Lst_Next(stoppedJobs)) != NULL) {
>-       job = (Job *) Lst_Datum(ln);
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_RESTART) {
>-           DEBUGF(JOB, "JobInterrupt skipping job on stopped queue"
>-                  "-- it was waiting to be restarted.\n");
>-           continue;
>-       }
>-       if (!Targ_Precious(job->node)) {
>-           char        *file = (job->node->path == NULL ?
>-                               job->node->name :
>-                               job->node->path);
>-           if (eunlink(file) == 0) {
>-               Error("*** %s removed", file);
>-           }
>-       }
>-       /*
>-       * Resume the thing so it will take the signal.
>-       */
>-       DEBUGF(JOB, ("JobInterrupt passing CONT to stopped child %d.\n", 
>-       KILL(job->pid, SIGCONT);
>-       if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-           /*
>-            * If job is remote, let the Rmt module do the killing.
>-            */
>-           if (!Rmt_Signal(job, SIGINT)) {
>-               /*
>-               * If couldn't kill the thing, finish it out now with an
>-               * error code, since no exit report will come in likely.
>-               */
>-               int status;
>-               status.w_status = 0;
>-               status.w_retcode = 1;
>-               JobFinish(job, &status);
>-           }
>-       } else if (job->pid) {
>-           DEBUGF(JOB, "JobInterrupt passing interrupt to stopped child 
>-                  job->pid);
>-           KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
>-       }
>-#endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
>-    }
>      Lst_Close(stoppedJobs);
>      if (runINTERRUPT && !touchFlag) {
>@@ -2841,9 +2538,7 @@
>             JobStart(interrupt, JOB_IGNDOTS, (Job *)0);
>             while (nJobs) {
>                 Job_CatchOutput();
>-#ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>                 Job_CatchChildren(!usePipes);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>             }
>         }
>      }
>@@ -2870,9 +2565,7 @@
>             while (nJobs) {
>                 Job_CatchOutput();
>-#ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>                 Job_CatchChildren(!usePipes);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>             }
>         }
>      }
>@@ -2899,9 +2592,7 @@
>      aborting = ABORT_WAIT;
>      while (nJobs != 0) {
>         Job_CatchOutput();
>-#ifndef RMT_WILL_WATCH
>         Job_CatchChildren(!usePipes);
>-#endif /* RMT_WILL_WATCH */
>      }
>      aborting = 0;
>  }
>@@ -2939,18 +2630,8 @@
>              * kill the child process with increasingly drastic signals 
> to make
>              * darn sure it's dead.
>              */
>-           if (job->flags & JOB_REMOTE) {
>-               Rmt_Signal(job, SIGINT);
>-               Rmt_Signal(job, SIGKILL);
>-           } else {
>-               KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
>-               KILL(job->pid, SIGKILL);
>-           }
>             KILL(job->pid, SIGINT);
>             KILL(job->pid, SIGKILL);
>-#endif /* RMT_WANTS_SIGNALS */
>         }
>      }
>@@ -2961,51 +2642,6 @@
>         continue;
>  }
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- * JobFlagForMigration --
>- *     Handle the eviction of a child. Called from RmtStatusChange.
>- *     Flags the child as remigratable and then suspends it.  Takes
>- *     the ID of the host we used, for matching children.
>- *
>- * Results:
>- *     none.
>- *
>- * Side Effects:
>- *     The job descriptor is flagged for remigration.
>- *
>- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>- */
>-JobFlagForMigration(int hostID)
>-    Job                  *job;         /* job descriptor for dead child */
>-    LstNode       jnode;       /* list element for finding job */
>-    DEBUGF(JOB, ("JobFlagForMigration(%d) called.\n", hostID));
>-    jnode = Lst_Find(jobs, (void *)hostID, JobCmpRmtID);
>-    if (jnode == NULL) {
>-       jnode = Lst_Find(stoppedJobs, (void *)hostID, JobCmpRmtID);
>-               if (jnode == NULL) {
>-                   if (DEBUG(JOB)) {
>-                       Error("Evicting host(%d) not in table", hostID);
>-                   }
>-                   return;
>-               }
>-    }
>-    job = (Job *) Lst_Datum(jnode);
>-    DEBUGF(JOB, ("JobFlagForMigration(%d) found job '%s'.\n", hostID, 
>-    KILL(job->pid, SIGSTOP);
>-    job->flags |= JOB_REMIGRATE;
>  /*-
>   *-----------------------------------------------------------------------
>   * JobRestartJobs --
>Index: job.h
>RCS file: /local/cvs/freebsd/src/usr.bin/make/job.h,v
>retrieving revision 1.22
>diff -u -r1.22 job.h
>--- job.h       23 Oct 2004 21:34:41 -0000      1.22
>+++ job.h       2 Nov 2004 09:20:39 -0000
>@@ -207,28 +207,6 @@
>  extern char *shellPath;
>  extern char *shellName;
>- * If REMOTE is defined then these things need exposed, otherwise they are
>- * static to job.c!
>- */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-extern char    *targFmt;       /* Format string for banner that separates
>-                               * output from multiple jobs. Contains a
>-                               * single %s where the name of the node being
>-                               * made should be put. */
>-extern GNode   *lastNode;      /* Last node for which a banner was printed.
>-                               * If Rmt module finds it necessary to print
>-                               * a banner, it should set this to the node
>-                               * for which the banner was printed */
>-extern int     nJobs;          /* Number of jobs running (local and 
>remote) */
>-extern int     nLocal;         /* Number of jobs running locally */
>-extern Lst     jobs;           /* List of active job descriptors */
>-extern Lst     stoppedJobs;    /* List of jobs that are stopped or didn't
>-                               * quite get started */
>-extern Boolean jobFull;        /* Non-zero if no more jobs should/will 
>  extern int     maxJobs;        /* Number of jobs that may run */
>Index: main.c
>RCS file: /local/cvs/freebsd/src/usr.bin/make/main.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.92
>diff -u -r1.92 main.c
>--- main.c      23 Oct 2004 21:34:41 -0000      1.92
>+++ main.c      2 Nov 2004 09:19:51 -0000
>@@ -168,11 +168,7 @@
>         int c;
>         optind = 1;     /* since we're called more than once */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-# define OPTFLAGS "BC:D:E:I:L:PSV:Xd:ef:ij:km:nqrstv"
>-# define OPTFLAGS "BC:D:E:I:PSV:Xd:ef:ij:km:nqrstv"
>+#define OPTFLAGS "BC:D:E:I:PSV:Xd:ef:ij:km:nqrstv"
>  rearg: while((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPTFLAGS)) != -1) {
>                 switch(c) {
>                 case 'C':
>@@ -198,20 +194,6 @@
>                         compatMake = TRUE;
>                         MFLAGS_append("-B", NULL);
>                         break;
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-               case 'L': {
>-                       char *endptr;
>-                       maxLocal = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
>-                       if (maxLocal < 0 || *endptr != '\0') {
>-                               warnx("illegal number, -L argument -- %s",
>-                                   optarg);
>-                               usage();
>-                       }
>-                       MFLAGS_append("-L", optarg);
>-                       break;
>-               }
>                 case 'P':
>                         usePipes = FALSE;
>                         MFLAGS_append("-P", NULL);
>@@ -302,9 +284,7 @@
>                                     optarg);
>                                 usage();
>                         }
>-#ifndef REMOTE
>                         maxLocal = maxJobs;
>                         MFLAGS_append("-j", optarg);
>                         break;
>                 }
>@@ -599,11 +579,7 @@
>         jobsRunning = FALSE;
>         maxLocal = DEFMAXLOCAL;         /* Set default local max 
> concurrency */
>-#ifdef REMOTE
>-       maxJobs = DEFMAXJOBS;           /* Set default max concurrency */
>         maxJobs = maxLocal;
>         forceJobs = FALSE;              /* No -j flag */
>         compatMake = FALSE;             /* No compat mode */
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Bob Bishop		    +44 (0)118 940 1243
rb at		fax +44 (0)118 940 1295

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