posix ps (was Re: Adding `pgrep' and `pkill' to /usr/bin)
Garance A Drosihn
drosih at rpi.edu
Sat Mar 27 10:57:03 PST 2004
At 11:41 AM +0100 3/27/04, Cyrille Lefevre wrote:
>"Garance A Drosihn" <drosih at rpi.edu> wrote:
>as I read your proposed changes, we could merge them w/o
>any problem. well, in fact, I already merge some of them
>(the or part instead of and).
>original ps : 26668 (no posix compliant)
>yours (gad) : 31072 (partly posix compliant)
>mine (cyrille) : 35684 (fully posix compliant)
Arg. It looks like I must have added another few instructions
somewhere, and triggered the same size-increase that I talked
about in the "Adventures with gcc: code vs object-code size"
thread on the freebsd-hackers. In that case, adding 40 bytes
of new instructions to one routine in ps.o caused /bin/ps to
jump by 3940 bytes.
As long as I had avoided whatever that threshold was, I was
able to keep the size down around 27000 bytes. And that was
for a version which *included* the -R, -s, and new -g options.
Man that's annoying, I had been doing so good with it...
Garance Alistair Drosehn = gad at gilead.netel.rpi.edu
Senior Systems Programmer or gad at freebsd.org
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute or drosih at rpi.edu
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