posix ps (was Re: Adding `pgrep' and `pkill' to /usr/bin)

Albert Cahalan albert at users.sf.net
Sat Mar 27 07:10:12 PST 2004

On Sat, 2004-03-27 at 04:54, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
> Albert Cahalan wrote:
> > [snip]
> > None yet. Do you happen to know the right people
> > at any of the UNIX(R) shops?
>  >
> > Rough idea of direction:
> > 
> > 1. get some wiki-like thing for editing a document
> I'd be happy and willing to set this up. Any preference on the system 
> used? I can do this immediately.

Just a generic idea:

* must have enough control to keep out trolls and spammers
* colored text or boxes, for commentary or optional parts
* can undo changes
* recent changes highlighted or diffs available

> > 2. define a fair "extended ps" compromise
> > 3. based on that, patch the SUSv3 ps specification
> > 4. get Linux, one BSD, one SysV, and one OSF/1 to conform
> > 5. get some of the changes into SUSv4 (deadline?)
> Is there any way I can help with the above? I'm definitely interested in 
> helping make FreeBSD more standards compliant and helping with 
> suggestions for standards as well.

Sure, if you either have experience hacking ps code or
you know about ps behavior on a wide variety of systems.

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