PATCH for a more-POSIX `ps', and related adventures

Cyrille Lefevre cyrille.lefevre at
Sat Mar 27 05:38:00 PST 2004

"Alexey Dokuchaev" <danfe at> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 09:43:21AM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> > Albert Cahalan <albert at> writes:
> > > On Thu, 2004-03-25 at 14:17, Jilles Tjoelker wrote:
> > > > I think that has been a historical mistake in the POSIX standardization.
> > > > tar/cpio were not standardized, instead a new utility "pax" was
> > > > invented. This should have been done with ps too [...]
> > > I would agree, except that nobody uses pax. :-)
> >
> > NetBSD and OpenBSD use pax exclusively; their tar and cpio are
> > symlinks to /bin/pax.
> How do they handle tar/cpio-specific arguments than?  By bloating pax(1)
> with quite some piece of code?  This seems odd.

the code is already there. let's try :

$ ln -s /tmp/tar /bin/pax
$ ln -s /tmp/cpio /bin/pax
$ /tmp/tar -?
usage: pax [-]{crtux}[-befhjmopqsvwyzHLOPXZ014578] [blocksize] [archive]
           [replstr] [-C directory] [-I file] [file ...]

$ /tmp/tar -?
usage: pax -o [-aABcLvVzZ] [-C bytes] [-H format] [-O archive]
           [-F archive] < name-list [> archive]
usage: pax -i [-bBcdfmnrsStuvVzZ6] [-C bytes] [-E file] [-H format]
           [-I archive] [-F archive] [pattern...] [< archive]
usage: pax -p [-adlLmuvV] destination-directory < name-list

see also PR#38256 (

Cyrille Lefevre.
home: mailto:cyrille.lefevre at

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