Adding `pgrep' and `pkill' to /usr/bin

Julian Elischer julian at
Wed Mar 24 15:47:57 PST 2004

On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> At 4:11 PM -0500 3/24/04, John Baldwin wrote:
> >On Wednesday 24 March 2004, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> >  > I noticed the upcoming version of OpenBSD will add the commands
> >>  `pkill' and `pgrep', which they picked up from NetBSD.  These
> >>  commands also exist in Solaris and Linux.  Anyone mind if I add
> >>  them to FreeBSD?  I'd just pick up the versions from NetBSD, and
> >  > make whatever changes are needed for them to work on FreeBSD.
> >
> >What do they do?
> Oh.  Yeah, it might help if I said something about that...
> The short answer:
>    The `pgrep' command searches the process table on the running system
> and prints the process IDs of all processes that match the criteria
> given on the command line.  Criteria includes matching against the
> process-name, or matching against the full-argument list of the
> processes.
>    The `pkill' command searches the process table on the running
> system and signals all processes that match the criteria given on
> the command line.
>    Note that a running `pgrep' or `pkill' process will never consider
> itself nor system processes (kernel threads) as a potential match.

so pkill is like killall but miore flexible?

how about you make killall a special case of pkill so we don't have the

> The more complete answer:
> -- 
> Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   gad at
> Senior Systems Programmer           or  gad at
> Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  drosih at
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