Adding `pgrep' and `pkill' to /usr/bin

Maxime Henrion mux at
Wed Mar 24 13:05:55 PST 2004

Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> I noticed the upcoming version of OpenBSD will add the commands
> `pkill' and `pgrep', which they picked up from NetBSD.  These
> commands also exist in Solaris and Linux.  Anyone mind if I add
> them to FreeBSD?  I'd just pick up the versions from NetBSD, and
> make whatever changes are needed for them to work on FreeBSD.

By all means go for it, please! :-)

> (I actually had an idea of adding another option or two to `ps'
> which would have given it abilities similar to `pgrep', but once
> I noticed these I figured it would make more sense to add them)

Yeah, especially if you consider the huge number of command line options
`ps' already has.  By the way, your work on `ps' to make it more in line
with SUSv3 is greatly appreciated.


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