We have to fix this!

Ruslan Ermilov ru at freebsd.org
Tue Mar 9 10:02:25 PST 2004

On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 03:15:08PM +0100, Pawel Jakub Dawidek wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 03:10:56PM +0100, Dag-Erling Sm?rgrav wrote:
> +> Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd at FreeBSD.org> writes:
> +> > it is really irritating that connecting files from other directory
> +> > is not possible.
> +> 
> +> It is; you're just not doing it right.  If it weren't possible, none
> +> of the stuff in src/contrib and src/crypto would ever get built.
> +> 
> +> (hint: .PATH)
> Sorry, I'm aware of .PATH, but try to do something like:
> SRCS=file1.c ../file2.c
I just wanted to further emphasize _why_ this will never be
supported: we want all our product files (aka object files)
to end up in the object directory ("obj"), and using source
files with path prefixes doesn't work well with suffix
transformation rules like .c.o, as make(1) only changes the
file suffix in that case.

(I know you've already learned how to use .PATH: properly.)

Ruslan Ermilov
FreeBSD committer
ru at FreeBSD.org
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