IPC nsswitch implementation

?????? ?????? bushman at rsu.ru
Sat Mar 6 14:12:42 PST 2004

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jacques A. Vidrine" <nectar at FreeBSD.org>
To: "Michael Bushkov" <bushman at rsu.ru>
Cc: "Jordan K Hubbard" <jkh at queasyweasel.com>; <bork at rsu.ru>; <and at rsu.ru>;
<os at rsu.ru>; <arch at FreeBSD.org>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2004 3:38 AM
Subject: Re: IPC nsswitch implementation

> You're not going to have to write your own modules (like LDAP), are you?
> That seems like a big drawback.

Of course we can (and we will) existing nss-modules. However, it can be
necessary to
adapt them to lookupd to achieve maximum performance.

Michael Bushkov
Software Engineer,
Rostov State University

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